Pre-Wired Modern SG® Upgrade Kit
Who this kit is for: The Modern Upgrade Kits offer a more transparent, dynamic sound for anyone who is tired of not being able to use the controls on your guitar effectively. This kit is also great for those who are tired of losing tone and note-definition every time they roll their control past 8!!
Please Note: All guitars manufactured in Japan, China, Indonesia and Mexico use metric pots (6mm), and have metric sized holes drilled for the pots. All pots sold by RS Guitarworks use standard pots and hole diameters (3/8"). Therefore, holes in the guitar, plates and/or pickguards will need to be enlarged to 3/8" to fit properly. Also, metric knobs will not fit the RS pot shafts; most popular knobs are available on the store in new and aged versions. Please call us for details or questions about installation.
What's in the kit:
(2) 500K RS Short-Shaft SuperPots®- We designed these pots in conjunction with CTS. Used for the volume controls in the kit, these pots have a custom taper that gives you a noticeable difference between each number on your volume control. You can finally roll your volume down to 2 or 1 and not lose any clarity, even in the neck position. A smoother resistor path make this the best pot to ever be used in the guitar.
(2) 500K CTS Short-Shaft Audio taper pots.
1) SoZo NextGen™ .022 capacitor - Polyester film dielectric with aluminum foil, and superior tin coated pure copper leads. Meets our stringent quality-control standards, not only because of its construction, but because of how great it sounds in the tone circuit!!
(1) SoZo .01 Cap - This is the same great SoZo cap as above, just in .01 microfarad. This is best used for the Neck Tone control.(1) 90 Degree 3-way toggle switch - Manufactured by Switchcraft®.
(1) 1/4"-inch long-thread jack - Manufactured by Switchcraft®. Long-thread for through-body on the SG.
(1) Color wiring diagram.
How this kit improves your tone: All of the above components combine to create unprecedented clarity in your overall tone. This increase in clarity will also equate to an increase in note bloom, harmonic complexity, and, in some cases, sustain. Because this kit increases the usability and intuitiveness of the controls onboard your guitar, you will achieve tones that you didn't think were possible.
When you have decided on the model and specifications of your dream guitar or bass, you can either place the order online, or call us to discuss any details or specific questions/requests. Once your build has been finalized, a minimum of a 50% deposit is required to start the build. If you’ve purchased the guitar outright from us – this deposit does not apply.
From the time you have placed your order or deposit, you have two weeks to make any changes. After that, all specifications are final. Actual build time is based on the exact options chosen, but typically our build time is about four months.
Month 1
- Choose your model and options. After determining what you want and you have either placed your order online or confirmed options with us, your deposit will be due.
- After the deposit is made, you will have two weeks to make any changes.
- Once the all details have been finalized, all preliminary woodworking is started.
- Necks are fretted and final shaped. Body is finish sanded and prepped for paint.
- All necessary parts/hardware are ordered.
Month 2
- Body and neck go to paint. This stage can take several weeks to properly apply lacquer depending on color and aging level.
- Due to the nature of nitrocellulose lacquer, the guitars are allowed to cure for four weeks.
Month 3
- In the middle of month 3 the bodies and necks, once completely dry, come out of the booth for wet sanding and buffing.
- Depending on the level of aging requested, the body, neck and all hardware are put in the aging process.
Month 4
- Frets are leveled and crowned. The nut is cut.
- After all appropriate aging is complete the guitar will go into final assembly.
- After final assembly, we allow a minimum of one week for the guitar to acclimate before we perform the final setup.
- When everything is completed, you will be contacted to pay the balance and submit any final details in regards to shipping.
When you receive your guitar or bass, you have 2 days to contact us with any concerns you might have. We strive for 100% satisfaction, so any issues or concerns you may have will be addressed promptly. All of our instruments come with a lifetime warranty to the original owner.